Labour law

We provide comprehensive legal support to employers and employees

Our law office provides clients with qualified legal assistance at every stage of the development of employment relationships, ensuring that parties resolve misunderstandings and disputes as quickly and successfully as possible, minimize risks and prevent damage.


More than 20 years of experience

since 2006

Member of the Estonian
Bar Association

We protect your interests in labour disputes

We help prevent labour disputes and, if they arise, prepare proper documentation. We also represent clients in legal disputes or labour disputes.

Labour law

We encourage both employers and employees to consult us before terminating the employment contract in order to avoid any further disputes.

Our services

We draw up documents regulating employment relationships: employment and collective agreements, occupational safety documents, etc.
We advise on termination of employment contract and payment of compensation
We offer professional legal assistance to end the employment relationship without conflict
In case of labour disputes, we represent the interests of our clients in court

Our team

We have a professional team that ensures the provision of high-quality legal assistance.

  • Vladimir Sadekov
    Vladimir Sadekov

    attorney-at-law, managing partner

    +372 5188 763

  • Maria Abramenkova
    Maria Abramenkova


  • Oksana Versal
    Oksana Versal


  • Anna Berest
    Anna Berest


  • Marina Smirnova
    Marina Smirnova


    on study leave
  • Evelin Orav
    Evelin Orav


    on parental leave
  • Aleksandra Lilu
    Aleksandra Lilu

    accountant, tax consultant


Do you feel in doubt and insecure?

You can only be confident or calm if you are provided an overview in your own language about what is happening and you feel that you are in control of what is going on. For this, you need a lawyer or legal representative.

Don't make your situation more difficult. Contact us!

We all know that in case of serious illness it is best to consult a doctor. However, in complex legal problems, many people try to solve them on their own and thus further aggravate their situation. This scepticism has its roots in our historical context and cultural peculiarities.

Let us dispel these doubts and answer some frequently asked questions:

  1. The lawyer has not created your problem, but will certainly do everything in one’s power to achieve a favorable solution for you.
  2. Our lawyers work only for your benefit.
  3. The sooner you contact the law firm the better as it allows to formulate defensive tactics in the early stage and avoid possible procedural errors.

Book consultation appointment


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Fill out the form and ask an expert for advice. We will review your request as soon as possible.